Soap Story

My husband is not a soap snob. As long as the soap I buy doesn’t have a floral scent, he will use it!

But he has a thing about not using the last bit of the bar. So, when it gets too small for his taste, he simply sets it aside. The below picture is what I see in the shower until I do something with the small pieces of soap.

The other day when I looked at those various pieces of soap he has cast aside, I thought about the fact that they’re still good, they still have purpose, and as long as we know how to use them correctly, they are worth having around! When I was younger my mom would put small pieces of soap like that in an old nylon and hang it from a shower caddy. We would then rub our hands on it and it would lather up just like it was intended to. It was a great use for those unwanted pieces of soap.

People who have disabilities are sometimes pushed off to the side like those small pieces of soap. When they don’t fit the mold, we just feel like we don’t have any use for them. When they look different, we aren’t sure how to relate to them. But, just like those pieces of soap, they are very useful and have purpose! Sometimes we have to think outside the box, but they can have a long and purposeful life, too.

We have to keep in mind that God has created us all with a unique set of gifts and talents and abilities and disabilities. It is our job to glorify Him through each of those. I also feel that is our responsibility to help others find their purpose and ways to glorify God through their abilities and disabilities.

Next Step Training Program is just one of the ways we can help those with a disability find their calling and purpose!
