Our First Student Gets a Job!

One of our students from the pilot program got his first job!!

The Lord provided an unexpected connection for me through a bible study. The first person I met in my group asked me a simple question, “What do you do for work?” I kind of laughed because I have had numerous part time jobs and businesses over the years and right now is no exception. I told her that I teach piano, but what I am really excited about is the Next Step Training Program which is a vocational program for young adults on the autism spectrum. She started smiling and couldn’t wait to tell me that she worked for OVR which is well known as “Voc Rehab” a place for those with disabilities to find employment!

About three days later, she emailed me that she heard about a possible opportunity for our students. She invited me to a call with a new group called The Coalition for Workplace Diversity and on that call I met a wonderful woman who runs an employment agency specifically for JP Morgan Chase to hire those with autism! The applicants who apply for the jobs that she fills have to have autism! I have never heard of such a thing and I know that God put me in that bible study to meet a new friend, Trish, to connect me to Jana, to connect one of our pilot program students to get a new job!

God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.
